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> 동네개 님께서 쓰신글 입니다.
> 무게는 어케되나여
> 휴대성에 대해서도 알고싶습니다.
오리지널 GI issue 물건은 대부분 스펙이나
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무게 측정시에 여러가지 어려움이 있습니다
(사무실에는 간이 저울 (1kg)밖에 없습니다)
해외 사이트에 있는 원문 참고 바랍니다
Complete government issue two-man tent consisting of 2 olive drab water repellent canvas halves 6 16" pole sections 10 aluminum stakes and ropes. The two halves fasten together with a double row of snaps. If back-country camping with a partner each person can each carry half the tent in their backpack. Each half with half of the poles and stakes weighs about 5 pounds. Four "door" flaps can be opened individually or all together as weather conditions dictate. Stowed size for complete tent is a 7" X 16" roll or two 5" X 16" rolls.
Whether camping in the back country or the back yard you can't beat these for rugged dependability. How about as a separate tent for Fido on that camping trip? I've used them as a shelter from sun or rain while hunting and fishing by staking only one edge and stretching the other edge between trees (lean-to fashion). Just use your imagination. Setup instructions included. Condition: used very good. I have gone through each and every one of these and checked for holes or other imperfections. I think these are the best you'll find short of buying new ones. I've even done my best to pair these up according to color variations so you end up with two halves that pretty much match. Check my other listings for individual tent components.
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